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Renew Your Purpose

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Sometimes clients are hesitant about setting goals in the beginning of their program. “What’s the use?” they say. “I have the very same goals as last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. The only difference is now, when I set goals, I feel like it will never happen.” These beautiful beings are burned out from spinning their wheels going nowhere fast. Ask me how I know? This was my life for so many years. My intentions were true, and even though I could see in my mind what I wanted, I didn’t have the tools to achieve it. I give myself an A for effort. However, that effort burned me out. Setting one more goal seemed like chasing water in the middle of the desert. Every time I thought I had reached success, that success would disappear like a mirage. I was left feeling hopeless, as if no change existed for someone like me.  

Now any time my clients say to me, “Kim, I want change my life; can someone like me change?” I say, “Absolutely! But first, we need to get clear. What exactly do you want?” The common answer is, “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about that.” And there in lies the problem. More times than not, there is no clear intention, just a vague pipedream. That being said, most of my clients don’t have a problem setting their business goals, their family goals, even their contribution goals. However, when it comes to self-care, most do not have a clue of what to do. They only know they want to feel better.

So why is being clear so important? The reason most goals fail is that usually the person setting the goal doesn’t have a specific blueprint, plan or any tools to use to get there—wherever there is. It’s important to get clear on WHAT you want, and even more specifically WHY you want it to make change happen. I believe if you do not have your goals, or the “why’s” for your goals, you won’t be able to build that blueprint or plan to achieve them

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