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Kimberly Lou’s own story was one of addiction, eating disorders, and professional and personal burnout. She was able to take responsibility and change the story of her life. She believes that every person has the same ability to take control of their own story by addressing the three core elements of an Optimized Life: mental focus, emotional fitness, and physical training.
Kimberly Lou's Companies
Guiding Hands Healthcare runs a thriving organization, inspiring change, and transformation in people who want to be free of Substance Abuse difficulties and Mental Health concerns. With their combined knowledge, our Guiding Hands Healthcare team understands that there are four primary causes of Mental Health and Substance abuse concerns. Once those causes are identified in an individual, with proper treatment and care, they can overcome their battle against difficulties and live fulfilling and meaningful lives.
Because no matter what walk of life you come from, affluent or not, Mental Health and Addiction do NOT discriminate.